Okay if you look at my ticker you might notice 2 things:
1) I have lost another 3.5 lbs this week (yippee), so I am not going to be seeing dwindling returns on this diet which was my greatest fear.
2) I ahve changed my target from an overweight BMI (169 lbs) to a healthy BMI (141 lbs).
So I have done it, I have made the decision to go all the way- I am scared but also elated as I have decided that making this big a sacrifice deserves a truly amazing reward. What this means is that I will probably have to spend 100 days in development after 100 days in Foundation, which sounds forever- until you consider that the end point is sometime in the early autumn- so I could go from morbidly obese to a healthy BMI in just over half a year! I have been getting some lovely compliments already, so imagine what it will be like in a few motnhs. Imagine what it will be like to wear a slinky cocktail dress during the Christmas party season for the FIRST TIME EVER!
As for the small challenge- well another 3.5 lbs and I will have lost 2 stone so that is my target for this week- to have lost two stone by the time 6 weeks are complete. The only problem is how to get there? This diet is what it is- yopu can't be more strct with yourself, and I have lost more this week (no swimming, but good steps) than last week with tons of swimming- so exercise (though good) may not accelerate my weight loss. Perhaps the only way is to drink more (!) water- after not drinking enough at the beginning of last week I upped to at least 5 litres per day for the rest of the week- it was like being back to week one of the diet in the peeing stakes, but it seems to have done the trick. So perhaps I will try for 6 litres a day this week and see what happens. If you hear a sloshing sound it will be me!
Brilliant! That's the spirit - I can hear the determination coming down the virutal wires. Can I just preen myself and say that I knew you'd go for the lower target from the first time I read your post and even said so on my first comment on your blog!! It was just so obvious that you had it in you all along...
Mentally, it's much more satisfying putting in the effort for a truly worthwhile aim than a merely ok aim.
Re the rate of loss, I agree, there's not much you can do bar exercise but after a few weeks, you realise that that doesn't much matter. Everything settles down and you're more willing to accept the natural pace of loss than to feel you have to kill yourself to maximise it at every turn. I mean, for God's sake, it's an extreme enough diet without doing more on top!
Well, I have found that and others in my group seem to be of the same mind.
I think it was after the first week when I had a disappointing total (2lbs at my 8 week weigh in). I was disappointed but then thought it through and got a lot of support through the blog and lost 4 the next week. Now I feel much more Zen about it all - what will be will be as long as I stick to the plan, enjoy life and keep up the exercise...
I'm freeee....!! LOL!
Thanks Lesley- your insight was spot on! I must say reading your blog has given me the confidence to go that bit further.
I like your comment re feeling Zen- its true you can become totally relaxed about the diet- what a starnge way of life we lead!
Well done on lowering your target to a healthy BMI - that's something I need to look at in the future.
200 days out of your life is nothing and as you say just think how gorgeous you'll look at the Christmas party :)
I agree with you re the exercise, as you say you can't be any stricter on yourself foodwise and I have heard that you don't get as good losses with the exercise but I'm sticking with it as I'd rather tone up as much as I can as I go along.
Congrats on a further weight loss and aiming for a healthy BMI. There is light at the end of the tunnel.
You will make it
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